Introducing StackZone Advisor

StackZone News

May 1, 2024 • 2 min read

The StackZone team is ecstatic to announce the latest advancement to the platform. Introducing the StackZone Advisor! This powerful AI-driven feature helps StackZone users optimize their cloud environments.  As its name suggests, this feature provides you with intelligent recommendations on how to improve all areas of your cloud infrastructure. It functions as a personal assistant who has the most up-to-date cloud expertise. Let’s dive into how this feature works and how it can transform your cloud management. 

What is Advisor? 

The Advisor feature is a useful tool for StackZone users because it pinpoints opportunities for enhancing security, cost efficiency, performance, operational excellence, and fault tolerance within their workload. Additionally, because StackZone is powered by automation, all these recommendations can be automatically activated in one click across your workloads. So you improve your cloud estate in seconds with instant remediations. This does not come at any extra costs for users. It functions as an opportunity to generate larger cloud optimizations as well as necessary security remediations. 

What we really love about Advisor is the simplicity it provides when making decisions on how to enhance your cloud environment. Its colorful AI-driven analysis and infographics make it super clear what your cloud environment needs to improve. Advisor provides StackZone users with a simple-to-implement and easy-to-track cloud improvement roadmap. Prioritizing has never been so easy, and it leaves no mistake unnoticed for your:

  • Security
  • Reliability
  • Operational Excellence
  • Performance
  • Cost optimization

Any high-impact alerts (what you should work on first) will be in red, medium-impact ones will be orange, and blue signifies low impact.

StackZone’s differentiator 

While similar tools require additional investment and/or the purchase of additional services, all StackZone users have full access to the tool, helping them maximize their productivity. Additionally, StackZone not only allows users to visually see exactly how to improve their cloud environment through StackZone Advisor, but it also makes enforcing those corrections super easy to implement. With StackZone, findings can be solved by simply activating auto-remediations! It takes seconds. It’s easy to filter the findings by accounts, regions, and categories and visualize the recommendations split by the categories of security, cost optimization, performance, operational excellence, and fault tolerance. 

The benefits of StackZone Advisor 

How does this feature make an impact on your cloud infrastructure and your team’s productivity? 

  • It’s easy to understand with visual charts to illustrate the potential impact of implementing recommendations by their status.
  • You can filter the recommendations. 
  • Creates cost optimization opportunities helping users to maximize their Return on Investment from the cloud. 
  • It offers insights to enhance the AWS workloads performance, ensuring efficient operation and better user experience.
  • Advisor identifies security vulnerabilities that may have been missed otherwise and suggests best practices to strengthen security posture, safeguarding data and resources
  • It plays a role in helping to achieve the AWS Well-Architected Framework by offering guidance for operational improvements, streamlining processes, and increasing efficiency.
  • Keeps you working proactively, not reactive. You’re alerted to potential issues before they escalate with actionable automation that remediates these issues. 
  • You can save the recommendations of Advisor as reports with StackZone. 

Overall, Advisor empowers your team to make informed decisions, optimize your AWS environment, and ensure it aligns with best practices for cost, performance, security, reliability, and operational excellence. 

Our team’s perspective  

Co-founder of StackZone, Gaston Silbestein, describes: “We’re always listening to our clients to ensure StackZone can remain the productive tool it is as business requirements evolve. We’ve had amazing feedback from our clients about how simple it is to use, with big savings activated in just a few clicks. We’re passionate about simplifying cloud management, making it more time-saving with no complications through our software, and that’s what Advisor achieves!” 

Quote from our client

“You can’t imagine how much Advisor helps us in our day-to-day cloud management. Our team can easily stay on top of cloud compliance requirements and we have peace of mind that there is a tool working hard for us 24/7.” 

In conclusion, the introduction of StackZone Advisor marks a significant advancement for the platform, offering users intelligent recommendations to enhance security, cost efficiency, performance, operational excellence, and fault tolerance within their cloud infrastructure. StackZone Advisor is accessible to all users, providing visual insights and automated implementation of recommendations to maximize productivity and streamline cloud management. Stay in line with cloud best practices with StackZone. You have real-time proactive assistance that always has your back. Book a free demo today and watch how Advisor works.

This article was written by Emily-Jane Rafferty, Content Writer at StackZone

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