Financial services  & FinTech Blueprint

High security levels set financial services companies up for success

  • Implement a PCI DSS cloud compliant framework in hours, not days or weeks.
  • Maintain the highest level of data security by applying the AWS well-architected security pillar best practices through automation.
  • Ensure the security of your most valuable assets (data) by automatically monitoring and implementing data encryption.

The easiest way to ensure your cloud complies with stringent financial regulations

StackZone’s AWS cloud config blueprint for financial services enables your cloud environment to comply with industry requirements. Create continuous compliance for this highly regulated industry with in-depth insights on how to improve your cloud environment. Protects your data and minimizes your risk of a data breach.

Machine Learning Blueprint

A Machine Learning cloud environment that sets you up for compliance

  • Maintain the highest level of data security
  • Lifecycle policy stores logs for 7 years
  • Optimizes your cloud budget
  • Have full control of access management
  • Comply with the standards of governance regulations with automation
  • Review your cloud environment with complete visibility from a clear console

Tailored to deliver high security and compliance levels to ML companies

Quickly set up and manage your AWS cloud environment. Machine learning companies need a particular focus on their cloud environment due to the importance of maintaining compliance. This is especially true of the use of personal data and the large data sets that are used for the machine to teach itself. StackZone’s machine learning setup includes the necessary components enabled to support and build compliance according to workloads using ML/AI Ops.

AWS Well-Architected Framework Blueprint

Align your cloud environment with the 6 pillars of the AWS Well Architected Framework:

  • Operational excellence
  • Security
  • Reliability
  • Performance efficiency
  • Cost optimization
  • Sustainability

StackZone achieves an average of 74% compliance with AWS best practices. Our customers can also self-follow-up on WAF compliance to plan continued improvements.

The fastest way to become compliant with the Well Architected Framework

As your AWS management toolkit, StackZone evaluates your current cloud estate and enables you to build your resilience and scalability using a multi-account strategy with a landing zone. You have a user-friendly AWS monitoring tool to identify and remediate high-risk items detected by the Well-Architected Framework Review and build compliance according to AWS best practices.

Software as a Service (SaaS) Blueprint

Create a cloud environment that’s highly flexible, geared up for high security and frequent change

  • Keep pace with high levels of growth
  • Maintain strong cyber security standards
  • Make it easier to implement frequent technical changes
  • Strict budget management
  • Boost your cloud team’s productivity
  • 24/7 availability

Tailored to the changeable needs of SaaS companies

This blueprint enables SaaS companies to securely manage their AWS cloud environment and comply with AWS best practices using StackZone. You have a user-friendly AWS cloud management platform to prevent, detect, and remediate high-risk items defined by the AWS Startup Security Baseline (AWS SSB). Build your compliance in hours, not months, following AWS prescriptive guidance.

Healthcare Blueprint

Ensure your Protected Health Information (PHI) is secure and compliant.

  • Implement a HIPAA cloud compliant framework in hours, not days or weeks.
  • Maintain strong cyber security standards.
  • Make it easier to implement frequent security assessments.
  • Maintain the highest level of PHI security by applying encryption and access controls through automation.
  • Ensure disaster resilience through automation

Create a cloud environment that’s compliant with HIPAA standard to ensure the privacy and security of PHI

This blueprint enables healthcare companies to deploy and manage their AWS workload within a secure cloud framework aligned with HIPAA cloud requirements. This ensures that your healthcare organization has all the cloud-related tools needed to achieve the certification. Ensuring encryption, access controls, risk assessment capabilities, and data backup and recovery through automation.

SOC 2 Blueprint

Ensure your cloud workloads are protected and resilient by automatically implementing SOC 2 Cloud recomendations.

  • Implement a SOC 2 cloud compliant framework in hours, not days or weeks.
  • Maintain strong cyber security standards.
  • Make it easier to implement frequent security assessments.
  • Ensure disaster resilience through automation

Create a cloud environment that’s compliant with SOC 2 standard to uphold high standards of data security.

StackZone’s SOC 2 AWS cloud config blueprint enables you to deploy and manage AWS workloads within a secure cloud framework aligned with SOC 2 cloud requirements. This ensures that your organization has all the cloud-related tools needed to achieve the certification. Ensuring encryption, access controls, risk assessment capabilities, and data backup and recovery through automation.